All PredictWind world leading forecasts and tools are available on mobile apps in addition to the forecast website.
The PredictWind App is for inshore and coastal sailors and the Offshore App is for offshore sailors.
Wind Prediction & Iridium Go Satellite Phone, These technologies are no longer “nice to have” or “a convenience” with the weather becoming more erratic and hard to forecast due to climate change & ever evolving hurdles and regulations that are certainly going to arise due to Covid-19 these technologies are now ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT. So if you are still doing things the old school way I congratulate you but encourage you to upgrade so you don’t find yourself disconnected, in dangerous weather and stranded without a port to check into. Stay safe out there my friends.
Expedition Drenched has long since grown from its humble beginnings to now being an Ocean Advocacy Lifestyle Brand that houses many International Artists from all over the world.